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Become a STEP member

What does it mean to be a STEP member?

  • You will be given a STEP badge
  • You will receive an invitation of all the event/programs organized by STEP in future
  • Time to time support and guidance from the experts to resolve the issues you raised in your locality at local as well as concerned authority level
  • Your writings regarding our work, issues you would raise, your efforts for this cause and your success story will be put on the website and all the other social media accounts of STEP.
  • You can become a STEPWALK Champion.

And what does it mean to be a STEPWALK Champion?

You will be considered as a STEPWALK Champion if:

  • You are the most active member throughout the year
  • You raise, resolve and share the highest number of pedestrian issues in your area or throughout the city among the other STEP members
  • You do actively participate in the events/programs organized by STEP
  • Token of Appreciation (incentives) will be given to the STEPWALK Champion at the end of every year

Fill in the form to become a STEP member

    All fields are required*




    How would you like to participate in STEP?

    Indicate your specific fields of interest:

    Choose a language you would like to receive our invitations and sharable other materials:


    Which organization you are associated with?

    Purpose of being a STEP member:
